Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where it's due

Where it's due.
You often here about give the credit to those who earn it and deserve it.
How many times have you fought for what you deserve?

Before you look into the book of answers or pay $750 for a class, to tell you to get out of your way and move forward.

Stop think, is this what I truly deserve?
Is heart ache what I'm due? Can I make it better for me, without the fall out being to great?
If the aftermath of my choses is hell on earth will the reward be worth the fire?

Will I break before I get what's due?

1 comment:

  1. People are fearful, people are often just cowards, asking for "a thank you" or just their just "due" is harder than swallowing "the frog".

    So people move on in life forgetting to say "Thank you" or hoping someone will give to them without having to ask, and often, if not always, forgetting to say "Thank you" as if it is deserved, expected..., it’s the easier way, the further way from the fire.

    Then one day they wake up 10-20-30 year’s form now as say "What the F... have I done?" and guilt and remorse will govern the remaining of their days...

